The event, organized by the Jumillano Templarios de Jumilla (ATJ) and Cultural Jumillana (ACJ) associations, gathers the best artisan and pictorial works from Spanish prisons
The Penitentiary Center of Campos del Río (Murcia) exhibits, during the month of September, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy, patron saint of captives, former captives and prison officers, the exhibition: National Exhibition Prisoners of Fine Arts and Crafts, created in 2006 by the milites Christi of the municipality of Murcia famous for the tempera of its wines, in which the fine arts and crafts along with the therapy thread configure the therapeutic and formative program contemplated in the Fénix Project framed in the Cultural Crusade of the Baile Templar of Jumilla, annual compendium of cultural, religious and playful activities in which inmates located in more than twenty penitentiary centers of the Spanish territory, concur with works in recyclable materials and various pictorial samples using various disciplines in their implementation.
In craftsmanship we can highlight the models, in small format, of the Citröen CV11 car, of the Military Penitentiary Center of Alcalá de Henares, the Biscuter of the CP Mallorca, and the submarine «Ictíneo III» of the Mansilla de las Mulas CP (León), plus the honeycomb of bees and seedlings of the CP Campos del Río, flanked by two static templar knights preside over the exhibition hall of the Murcian establishment.
The exhibition, which has the collaboration of the Cultural Association Jumillana (Barcelona), also presents a hundred works in thread, oil, acrylic, marker that, once selected, will be exhibited at the end of the year in the church of Lurdes located in the emblematic neighborhood of Poble Sec in Barcelona to follow the itinerary through several Catalan penitentiary centers.