REGION OF MURCIA / Weekly Agenda of the AECC until November 18

Source: AECC

We present the extensive weekly schedule of the aecc Murcia. We are waiting for you all.

Tuesday, November 13
MURCIA – Laurels Awards. Press Association. Romea Theater at 10pm

Wednesday, November 14
MURCIA – Welcoming Volunteer Training Day. 17h at the headquarters of the aecc Murcia

Thursday, November 15
MURCIA – Delivery of the Silver Antennas and Microphones of the Association of Radio and Television Professionals. Romea Theater at 10pm
ZARANDONA – Presentation of the solidarity Calendar aecc in collaboration with the National Police. The Hall of Mirrors of the Romea Theater at 11.30
MURCIA – Informative Conference on Hematological Neoplasms. Archaeological Museum of Murcia at 6pm

Friday, November 16
CEHEGÍN – Charity Theater Play performed by the collective Calasparra se Mueve. Adolfo Suárez Cultural Center at 8:30 p.m.
SANTOMERA – Start of the «Gain Life in Santomera» Conference. Hall of the City Hall at 8pm

Saturday, November 17
CEHEGÍN – Petanque Charity Tournament. Ginés Ibañez Park at 09.30h
BLANCA – Start of Health Days at the Victoria Theater at 8.30pm
FORTUNA – Benefit Dinner at the Gambrinus Restaurant in Cobatillas at 9:00 p.m.

LA PALMA – Charity Food at Los Ramones Restaurant at 2:00 p.m.

SANGONERA LA VERDE – Matinal Motera organized by Dark Side MG from 10am

Sunday, November 18
CIEZA – Stand Association Fair from 10am
CEUTÍ – Charity Food at La Frasquita Restaurant at 2:00 p.m.
LIBRILLA – Charity Food at Pagán Restaurant at 2:00 p.m.

EL PALMAR – Beneficial Food tribute to Dr. Navarrete, honorary president of the Murcia AECC, at Las Palmeras Restaurant at 2:00 p.m.