In coordination with the center’s management, several classrooms and the main entrance to the children’s pavilion have been painted, and the toilets have also been improved.
As it was done last summer, the municipal government team of Pliego is taking advantage of the school holidays so that several workers carry out maintenance and improvement work at the public school Pascual Martínez Abellán.
With the coordination of the center’s management and attending to the greater needs of these dilapidated facilities, the government team has urged to paint several classrooms in the center, which have turned out to be the most deteriorated, as well as the main entrance door to the children’s pavilion and the improvement of the different bathrooms in search of greater comfort, healthiness and water saving.
The Deputy Mayor of Pliego, Maravillas Martinez Cifuentes, stressed that «we believe these arrangements and repairs necessary in the center so that the stay of school children and teachers is as comfortable as possible, hoping that these are the last we make before the imminent construction of the new Pliego school, which is an infrastructure of tremendous need and very important for the municipality. «