The independence movement sentences the legislature with the rejection of the Budgets

Source: The World

PSOE and Podemos make a last effort so that ERC and PDeCAT reconsider their ‘no’ to the Budgets

The PSOE prefers that the general elections be held on April 28

The secessionist forces, ERC and PDeCAT, have united their votes with those of the Popular Party, Citizens, Canary Coalition, Asturias Forum and UPN, EH Bildu and, at the last moment, two of the five de Marea de En Marea (the Galician confluence of We can) have knocked down the draft General State Budgets. With the return of public accounts to the Government, the legislature has been sentenced.

The vote against the accounts has yielded the following result: 191 votes in favor of returning them to the Government compared to 158 that bet on their processing and one abstention from Nueva Canarias. They have voted to process the Budgets the PSOE, United We Can, PNV and Commitments.

The reasons of the parties that have formed this new block of motion against the Executive have not been unanimous. Quite the contrary, the divergences between them are very remarkable and, of course, have little to do with the content of the draft Budget itself.


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The #Pleno approves the amendments to all # PGE2019, which are returned to the Government

12:46 – February 13 2019

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Secessionism has opted to reject the accounts and thus deliver a lethal blow to the government because they have not accepted the two impossible demands in return: negotiate the right to self-determination, surpassing all constitutional limits and get Pedro Sánchez interfere in the action of Justice in favor of the politicians processed by the 1-O, totally violating the separation of powers.

PP and Ciudadanos, on the other hand, have voted against the accounts because in themselves they seem negative for the country and because their first wish is to force the call for general elections as soon as possible to try to remove from La Moncloa a president whom they accuse of prefer to sustain and negotiate with the populist left and «those who want to break Spain» before with the constitutionalist parties.

The smaller forces -CC, Asturias Forum and UPN- have done so for more economic reasons considering that the Government in its project clearly tilts the balance in favor of Catalonia to the detriment of the rest of the territories to try to guarantee the support of the sovereignty that It would have been essential to remain in power.

Minister Montero, who has starred in the Budget debate, comes out of the Plenary. / A. L.
Waiting for a date for the elections
Now, after the death of the Budgets, we only have to wait for the President of the Government to reveal his immediate plans that, according to all the parliamentary parties, should go through the call of the Spaniards to the polls. Nobody, in fact, believes that it is possible to extend a legislature based on decrees constrained by the Budget prepared by the Government of Mariano Rajoy.

Throughout the debate, with crossings of harsh accusations, the beginning of the electoral campaign has been clearly revealed. In fact, few have doubts that the tumbled accounts and the political project that they contain will constitute the backbone of the offer that Sanchez presents to the citizens, united with the realization that he has finally resisted the demands of the independence movement.

PSOE and Unidos Podemos tried until the last moment to convince ERC and PDeCAT of the need to approve the Budgets. They did it by agitating even the ghost of fear of a possible future government of the right with which they would even face a new application of Article 155. But the effort was futile. The trial that takes place in the Supreme Court against the ringleaders of the 1-O has definitively marked the letters of the secessionist forces.

«The extreme right makes a hole in this country»
The Minister of Finance has lent herself to speak after the vote. María Jesús Montero has attacked those who «put Chinese» to prevent the country from moving forward. In his opinion, it is a «punishable conduct».

«The right says no to the social policies to which they intend to solve the daily problems of citizens,» he stressed after assuring that some «are installed in the confrontation.» «The extreme right is a gap in this country,» he warned.

Montero has also assured that the Government has never been willing to accept the right of self-determination demanded by the independence forces because it is outside the Constitution.

«We will continue working because there are many projects that must come to this Congress and others that are in process.» We will work until the last day, «said the minister.