The Entrepreneurs of Segura reward Enae, Balneario de Archena and Dessert Reina

The Association of Entrepreneurs and Merchants of Segura (ASECOM) has celebrated the ninth edition of the delivery of its annual awards. An evening that took place on the Altorreal golf course, coinciding with the anniversary of the entity, and which was attended by the Employment and Business Advisor, Javier Celdrán.

One night in which ASECOM recognized with its ‘Institutional Award’ the ENAE Business School, with the ‘Company of the year’ at the Balneario de Archena and with the ‘Career Path’ to Carrión engineering and steel structures. Finally, the most outstanding ‘Regional Company’ award was for ‘Desserts Queen’ and Diego Nicolás, former president of the entity, was named an honorary member. In addition, Talleres Macario was awarded as ‘Merchant of the Year’ and the award for ‘Collaborating Company’ went to Hotel Villasegura.